Endgame Decade 9/11: Twin Terrorists of the 9/11 Crime

Endgame Decade 9/11: Twin Terrorists of the 9/11 Crime

The events of September 11th 2001 (9/11) have led to a decade of devastation on a global scale. A crime was committed. The world saw the evidence. Perpetrators suspected – and executed. Yet no court has given its verdict based on three most important questions when studying a crime – motive, capability and plausibility.

1. The leading suspect of the first crime of 9/11 is al-Qaeda

Suspected Crime: al-Qaeda operatives hijacked planes and smashed them into the key political, military and economic buildings of the USA.

Motive: al-Qaeda had previously announced its enmity with the USA and launched attacks against it. To try to attacks its key political, military and economic landmarks is a mere extension of this. Worse still, Usama bin Laden admitted the attacks. YES

Capability: Training pilots and hijackers at an estimated cost of half a million dollars for the whole operation is neither expensive nor a logistical nightmare. To seek them to kill themselves as aspirant martyrs requires an ideology, a plethora of which are historically available.  YES

Plausibility: Men who hijacked planes and flew them into iconic buildings may lie in the realm of insanity, but certainly do not lie in the realm of impossibility. YES

2. The leading suspect of the second crime of 9/11 ARE ZIONISTS (US Government 2000-2008 & israel)

Suspected crime: Demolishing World Trade Center buildings through the use of explosives, killing people who could have survived.

Motive: If a few hundred, instead of a few thousand people had died in the 9/11 attacks, and the World Trade Center buildings had survived intact to be rebuilt, the neo-conservative Zionists elements of the US Government, allied with Israel, would not have had a popular mandate, both domestic and global, to occupy Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as strategically corner the sole nuclear-powered Muslim country, Pakistan. YES

Capability: Lining the inside of the World Trade Centre buildings with explosives and then destroying them in controlled demolitions is certainly possible, with both people and resources available to the neo-conservative Zionist element of the US Government  and Israel to execute such an operation. YES

Plausibility: Demolishing buildings with explosives and shooting down planes and buildings is certainly political expedient at its extreme, but certainly not in the realm of impossibility. YES

Summary: Al-Qaeda had the motive, capability and plausibility to execute the 9/11 attacks. The neo-conservative Zionists element of the US Government and Israel had the motive, capability and plausibility to seek to completely destroy the chosen targets, thereby acquiring political capital to attack Afghanistan and Iraq as part of a global war on terror. YES

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